Time to look forward to stuff

Read the papers, listen to the radio, watch the news and its pretty much a wall of doom and gloom. None of that here. Not having it. Not this year.
It's the October Full Moon next week which, as those of you who remember from last year, is the time when we harvest the first olives and make the Full Moon Olive Oil - something to really look forward to and that marks the passage of the seasons in a truly luscious way.
Apart from that (and more Full Moon Olive Oil news soon - just as soon as it's been harvested and pressed...) we've just begun to look forward to seeing the end of this year out and getting cracking on the next one which just has to be good, right?
Before we get there though, there is still the matter of the Festive Season to contend with and, without setting any hares running, it might just be a good idea to start planning it a tad earlier than normal.
So, if you fancy having a quick look at our gift selections we've popped them up a little sooner for any early bird planners out there.
Feel free to browse and reserve a little something or other for you and your nearest and dearest wherever you find yourselves this year.
It's the October Full Moon next week which, as those of you who remember from last year, is the time when we harvest the first olives and make the Full Moon Olive Oil - something to really look forward to and that marks the passage of the seasons in a truly luscious way.
Apart from that (and more Full Moon Olive Oil news soon - just as soon as it's been harvested and pressed...) we've just begun to look forward to seeing the end of this year out and getting cracking on the next one which just has to be good, right?
Before we get there though, there is still the matter of the Festive Season to contend with and, without setting any hares running, it might just be a good idea to start planning it a tad earlier than normal.
So, if you fancy having a quick look at our gift selections we've popped them up a little sooner for any early bird planners out there.
Feel free to browse and reserve a little something or other for you and your nearest and dearest wherever you find yourselves this year.